The Land of the Bible
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The title may at first startle you when thinking of Jerusalem as the City of God. When we watch the news, Jerusalem seems to be a place of unrest. Hostility reigns between the Palestinians and Jews. Stones, tear gas, and rubber bullets are the weapons of choice when it comes to settling arguments. So what's with this statement that Jerusalem is the City of God?
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Few of us would disagree that politics, religion, skin color, language, and boundaries often divide humanity into a tribal mentality. For example, consider the Middle East. Jews and Arabs, living in the land of the Bible, continuously experience conflict, and yet they have a lot in common.
True, they often behave like the Hatfields and McCoys, a feud between two families that emerged soon after the Civil War, but most of them come from a common ancestor known as Abraham. In fact, the three great world religions of Judaism, Muslim, and Christian all look to Abraham as their father. And though we, who are Gentiles, don't have a blood or DNA relationship with Abraham, many of those in the Middle East do, whether they are Jews or Palestinians, or whether they follow Judaism, the Muslim faith, or no faith at all.
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Over the past three thousand years, people groups and nations have argued over who has the right to live in the Land of the Bible. Perhaps a history lesson, not provided by the present day news commentators or newspapers, will answer that question. Does the Land belong to the Palestinians or the Jews? Is the Land of Israel the rightful property of the Muslims or those of the Jewish faith?
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We all know Jesus as the loving, and caring Son of man and Son of God. We see Him as the good shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep, or as one who was willing to stand up to the religious authorities for a woman caught in adultery, and a friend of sinners. But there is another side of our Lord that we don’t often consider. Though Jesus is a compassionate and forgiving person, He also is the judge of all humanity. This attribute that was demonstrated near the end of His ministry on earth and aimed at three villages in the Galilee often referred to as “The Unholy Triangle”.
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Imagine yourself finally getting that Hawaiian vacation you always dreamed about and now the time has arrived. You’ve decided to stay on the "Big Island" of Kilauea, and you have reservations at the beautiful Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel. Your mind goes wild when you think of all the beautiful sights you are about to see. So, you cram in as much activity as your body allows on the first day, go to bed a little early, and eventually fall asleep exhausted.
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What comes to your mind when you hear the word Armageddon? Catastrophe? The world's final battle? Nuclear warfare? Most often this term elicits an emotional feeling of anxiety to outright panic. It is often linked with another popular term, Apocalypse. For many people, it focuses on the end of the world.
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Now there’s a phrase you don’t often hear about. In fact, most people don’t believe in a literal Hell, in spite of the fact that Jesus talked more about Hell than He did about Heaven. But what is this “Gates of Hell”? Is there really a gate that leads to Hell? If so, where is it? In order to answer these questions, we must travel to the northern part of Israel and listen to a conversation between Jesus and His disciples. Join me as we travel into what was once the forbidden territory of the “GOYIM”, the Hebrew word for “Gentile”.
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Did you realize that the Land of the Bible was never Israel’s choice? That decision was God’s alone. In fact, God told His people through the Prophet Ezekiel that He was going to place them at the most strategic location on earth – “the center of the nations”. The Prophet tells us, “This is Jerusalem, which I have set in the center of the nations, with countries all around her.” (Ezekiel 5:5)
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In my DVD series, “Finding Your True North," I speak about the three flows of thought that you can trace from Genesis to Revelation. They are the "Scarlet Stream” (Sin), “The Crimson Tide” (Blood), and "The River of Life” (The Jordan River). Why do I call the Jordan by this name? Because wherever it flows, life flourishes. This narrow body of fresh water flows from Mount Hermon (north) for almost 200 miles to the Dead Sea (south). Its headwaters are the Banias, the Dan, and the Hasbani Rivers. The word “Jordan” refers to the "descending Dan River," or "down from Dan,” the city from which it descends.
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God supplies The Land of the Bible with five water sources. Although they vary in size, only two of those bodies are fresh water, and the other three are salt water. The fresh bodies are the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee. What about the salt-water bodies? They include the Red, the Med, and the Dead. The Red Sea in the southern part of the country, the Mediterranean Sea on the West, and the Dead Sea in the south. Click here is download the full article in PDF |
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The average person who reads the Bible has little understanding of the Land of the Bible. And because of this, at times, the Bible doesn’t seem real to them. Thanks to news reports, we all know that today Israel is a real country, with real people, and events. But what about Biblical days. For instance, Jesus told His disciples when they were in the northern part of Israel, "Let's go up to Jerusalem," which is in the southern part of the country. That doesn’t seem to make sense. Should He not have said, “Let’s go down to Jerusalem”? Without a topographical map or photo, numerous statements in the Bible make no sense. Click here is download the full article in PDF |